Category: History

History: Prohibition Propaganda Poster

Debate over the prohibition of alcohol remained one of New Zealand’s most contentious political issues in the 1920s. This pro-continuance poster, probably from 1925 or 1928, shows a New Zealand soldier kicking an old man representing Uncle Sam back across

Guest Post: The History of the New Zealand Flag

New Zealand is one of the biggest countries in the southwestern Pacific. The country has a rich history dating evolutionary times and is believed to be one of the first settled landmasses on earth. As a country settled by the

New Zealand Tourism Posters from the 1930′s

New Zealand has been marketing itself as a tourist destination for a lot longer than most people realize. How to Be a Retronaut found an archive of stunning tourism posters from the 1930′s that market New Zealand to the world.

How Did New Zealand Get Its Unique Name?

One of the most common questions we get asked is how New Zealand got it’s name and also where exactly is ‘Old Zealand?’ According to the Wikipedia: Aotearoa (often translated as “land of the long white cloud”) is the current

OED Solves ANZAC Pavlova Dispute

It’s a dispute that’s been raging for decades between Australia and New Zealand. Who can rightfully claim to being the creator of the delicious dessert dish Pavlova. According to the BBC, it’s been settled once and for all: The Oxford

Movement to Bring Royal Couple to New Zealand for Honeymoon

There’s no shortage of places in the former British Empire clamoring to become the honeymoon destination of choice for the Royal Couple after their nuptials in April. From The Government is being urged to offer Prince William and Kate
